An inclusive community for all
Trinity Episcopal Church

“Go forth into the world, and be the church!”
At the conclusion of every Sunday worship service, our deacon dismisses the congregation and sends us out in the world to do the work God has given each of us to do. For many people, this sending out is the most important part of the worship service. We are sent out to live our Christian faith in our daily lives and work. We also live out our faith by ministering to the needs of the world together as a church community.
First Nations Kitchen

Several times per year, Trinity sends a group
of senior high youth and adults to prepare,
cook and serve dinner at First Nations’ Kitchen in the Longfellow neighborhood of Minneapolis. Located in the basement of All Saints’ Episcopal Indian Mission, First Nations provides a meal of healthy, organic, fresh food every Sunday in an environment of radical hospitality and cultural empowerment. Trinity provides cooks, servers, dishwashers, and on-going financial support to this justice-based, Gospel-focused ministry.
Trinity serves as one of the sponsoring congregations for ICA Food Shelf, which serves over 1000 families monthly by providing fresh produce, meat, dairy and canned/dried goods in a grocery store-like format from its facility on K-Tel Drive in Hopkins. Additionally, clients receive employment counseling, access to mental health services, and crisis support by trained professionals. Programs provide extra food for children during the summer as well as school-based breakfast, snack and weekend food programs. More than 800 families are served monthly. Volunteers help sort and distribute food, work with clients at the K-Tel location, assist with food rescue from local businesses, and help with mobile food delivery. Trinity holds two annual food drives—in March for Food Share Month and in October—and in early November provides funding for Thanksgiving meals for ICA’s clients.

Meals on Wheels
Trinity provides drivers each month to deliver nutritious lunchtime meals to qualified clients living in Excelsior, Shorewood, Tonka Bay, Chanhassen, Deephaven, Minnetonka and Glen Lake. We currently have 20 drivers who pick up meals at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Excelsior at 11:15 am and deliver meals to 3-5 clients. The routes are all less than one hour.
Loaves & Fishes
The first Monday of each month for the past 29 years, between 12 and 26 people make their way to Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Minneapolis (2424 18th Ave. S.) to cook and serve a balanced attractive meal to approximately 300 guests, many of whom are children. Trinity shares both the work and expenses with another dedicated group of folks. Cooper’s in Chaska generously donates all the bread and provides a discount on the food purchased. Cooking duties begin at 2:30 pm, serving begins at 5:00 pm and we are finished with everything, including clean up by 6:45pm. This is a most rewarding and friendship-making time. We welcome you to join us in any of the areas that interest you.

American Red Cross

Trinity sponsors three Red Cross Blood Drives per year, typically in January, May, and October when blood supplies are typically very low. Drives are held on Saturdays, between 8:00am – 1:00pm. We typically collect 30-45 units (pints) of blood at each drive, and each unit can help save up to three lives. More than 50% of Minnesota blood needs are met by the Red Cross. Trinity's blood drives are open both to Trinity members (age 16 and older), and the public. For more info on donor eligibility see